Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day 6

So yesterday I made a yummy/healthy breakfast for myself and my family! 

I'm a breakfast LOVER! Pancakes, waffles, toast, eggs, biscuits, you name it. Breakfast is by far my favorite meal of the day. BUT, breakfast foods can often be full of carbs (tasty but not always nutritious!)

Eggs are a great way to get lots of protein! So omelets are a yummy way to get lots of protein!  

I made a 4 egg sausage and cheese omelet and shared it with my sister. 

First I browned the sausage in the pan. I put the sausage in as one whole chunk, then quickly chopped it up with my cooking tool and moved it around. That way I didn't have to hand make the crumbles! 
(I used the whole package, that way I have left over sausage crumbles for breakfast burritos next week- mmm!)

After the crumbles were cooked all the way through, I poured the extra crumbles into a glass container and popped them in the freezer. Then I added the eggs-

And in the end a yummy omelet!    

I had never had much success making omelets, but for some reason the stars aligned yesterday! 

Oh! and for my workout I just did the treadmill workout from the last post!
I was so exhausted, but I also came home and helped with come heavy yard work! I can't wait until all out renovations are complete and I can have my pool/backyard back.

XO Julia

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Day 5

So I tried the treadmill workout, finally! And it kicked my butt! The distance isn't far (about 2 miles for me) but the intervals will get ya!

Here's the workout, and you can also find it on my Pinterest! The link to my "Get Fit" board is in my pages section. Check it out!! I pin all my workouts I have tried and that I've done there.

It felt good to get back to the gym!

XO Julia

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day 4

I'm a few days late, BUT- the foot is healing and I should be good to go back to normal workouts tonight! 

Since I haven't been able to really do more than limp on my foot, I don't have any fun exercises to share, but I did try out some fun recipes!! 


I saw this "simple curry" recipe, and had to try it! I am not a huge fan of spicy foods, but I really liked this. The comments warned that the dish "did not taste authentic," but I was willing to at least try it. I am sure glad that I did. I will definitely make this again, maybe with some alterations, but it was a great base! 
(I served it over jasmine rice as well!)

You can find the recipe here! 

Hope to get back to posting workouts soon

XO Julia

Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 3

Theres one thing you can always count on- life is unexpected.

I slept in, but still had the opportunity to ride around noon. Not a ton of work, since my horse is off, but still got some exercise in.

When I got home I decided to go and help out with some of the renovations my family is doing in the backyard. I helped with some digging in the good ol' Oklahoma red clay and hauled some cut up pieces of our deck to the front in a wheel barrow.

I was super excited to try out my treadmill workout, so a little after dinner I started my rounds to feed the ponies and then head to the gym. But life happened....

While picking out one horse's feet, Dross (our larger horse) spooked in the aisle way and one of his feet landed on mine- OUCH!

So instead of trying out my stellar treadmill workout... I got to sit at home and ice my foot. Today I thought I would be fine walking (with a limp) on it, but it looks like I'll be sporting the newest fashion trend... the walking boot.

Last night (while loaded on ibuprofen) I did fit in a stellar ab workout (even though my abs were still sore from the day before!!)

Like my last workout I found this one on Pinterest, and again it kicked my butt! My foot started throbbing around the V-ups, so I had to quit early. But, I can't wait to use this one again when the foot heals!! You can check it out here or on my fitness page on Pinterest!

With the foot injury going I took what should be day 4 off, but I'm going to try a fun recipe tomorrow, so be on the lookout! 

XO Julia

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day 2

I went to the ABsolute class, but unfortunately the instructor didn't show up! So I had to improvise. 

I warmed up with 15 minutes on the elliptical, and used Pinterest to try and find a promising and quick ab workout since I had a packed day ahead. I looked over a few links and I was drawn to this one- 

It was called Audrina Patridge’s Ab Workout. I have no idea if this is actually her workout, but I can say it kicked my butt!! The workout consists of 4 moves- Cat Raise, Cross-Legged Lift, Compound Crunch and Offset Bridge. I added some leg lifts for a 5th move. Instead of just lifting, I held my legs at the bottom for a 3 count and then opened my legs and held for another 3 count then brought my legs back together to lift again. (sorry if that is confusing, it is a hard move to explain without pictures!) Anyways I did one set of 20 reps in each of the 5 moves, minimal resting, and repeated again. My abs were killing me, and still are tight even 24 hours after! 

I had a great lunch too! I made herb grilled tilapia over a half serving of brown rice and sweet peas. Eating better can be very tasty. 

It's pretty rainy/wet, but I am going to try and make it out to ride tomorrow and try out a treadmill workout I saw on Pinterest, maybe pair it with some inner thigh exercises. 

XO Julia

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day 1

I signed on the dotted line and paid for my first gym membership. The facility isn't much, but it has the tools to help me with my body makeover. I went home, changed, and returned for my first real workout in months.

I took it easy and jogged on the treadmill for an hour. This run wasn't about distance or even speed. This jog was about raising my heart rate and reintroducing my body to extended workouts (in relative terms of my current situation). It felt satisfying when I felt my legs buckle when I stepped off the treadmill. I basked in the exhaustion for the simple fact that I had taken that first step. But, I know that there is a staircase in front of me, so motivation is key.

Tomorrow the gym has an Ab class in the morning- hopefully I can make it out!

Day 1 down, many more to go.

XO Julia

Friday, June 1, 2012

Coup de Grâce

Hello there!

My name is Julia Peacock. I am a sophomore Business Information Systems and Geology double major studying at the fabulous Texas Christian University. 

BUT that is NOT what this blog is about. 

Throughout my high school days I was very active- rode my horses daily, played high school and club volleyball, and had a personal trainer through my final year of high school. I stand around 5' 7.5" I weighted around 130 pounds, with lots of muscle. After graduation I stopped playing volleyball. Once I entered college, I stopped riding. I quickly found truth in the freshman 15, but for me it has turned out to be a larger number. 

That being said I am not overweight or obese. I actually did not notice the extra weight at first. I though I just wasn't as fit. I started noticing when my jeans got tighter during second semester, but didn't think much of it. It wasn't until a visit to the doctor for a routine checkup that I realized I weigh 156 pounds, with almost no muscle. 

Fortunately, this has given me proper motivation to rebuild and maintain my fitness. Again- this is not just about losing the extra pounds, its about getting fit and living a healthier lifestyle. Like many women in the country I suffer from acute carblovers syndrome. Pasta, breaded, fried- you name it- I love it. Its not a positive habit. I am a picky eater with a "microwave" and "takeout" style dining plan.  I am an unhealthy eater, and it is becoming physically apparent. Its time to make a change and kick my carblovers syndrome to the curb.

So! This is where my title ties in. Coup de Grâce. In my mind this is not a beginning or a starting point, this is the end. This is the point in which I build and maintain a healthier lifestyle. This is my "finishing blow" to my body as it appears today.

I'll post my workouts, where I am mentally as well as physically, some fun recipes I find, and some motivational quotes  that keep me driven! I hope that if anyone reads this they can find something relatable about my journey or find motivation through me. Feel free to leave comments or contact me with suggestions, motivation, etc. 

XO Julia