Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day 4

I'm a few days late, BUT- the foot is healing and I should be good to go back to normal workouts tonight! 

Since I haven't been able to really do more than limp on my foot, I don't have any fun exercises to share, but I did try out some fun recipes!! 


I saw this "simple curry" recipe, and had to try it! I am not a huge fan of spicy foods, but I really liked this. The comments warned that the dish "did not taste authentic," but I was willing to at least try it. I am sure glad that I did. I will definitely make this again, maybe with some alterations, but it was a great base! 
(I served it over jasmine rice as well!)

You can find the recipe here! 

Hope to get back to posting workouts soon

XO Julia

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